Penhill Benefice

Living and Sharing the Love of Jesus Christ in the Community

Vicar’s Letter by Rev Tom Ringland
Some people are glad that February is the shortest month – often a grim, bleak and grey time, either mucky or frozen, and best when it’s gone. Alternatively, we can look for the positives and it can be entertaining to look up some February celebrations. While on February 2nd the churches will be marking Candlemas, 40 days since Christmas, it’s also National Hedgehog Day – the European equivalent of the American ‘Groundhog Day’. Hopefully our hedgehogs will sleep a little longer before risking our roads for another season! February 17th is apparently Random Acts of Kindness Day (see three days after a better known festival…
February famously has Valentine’s Day at its mid-point. A day to celebrate those we love and make them feel special. Love, whether romantic love or in its wider expression is deeply spiritual as it takes us out of our preoccupation with ourselves to notice the other.
Jesus agreed with a man who summed up all the law of God in saying the greatest commandment is to love God, and to love our neighbour as ourselves. That little word ‘as’ teaches that we should indeed love and care for ourselves – but that we should love others equally … and this all comes into focus as we live our lives loving and honouring God.
The man to whom Jesus spoke then responded, ‘And who is my neighbour?’ – leading Jesus to tell a famous story we know as ‘The Good Samaritan’ (see Luke’s Gospel, chapter 10 from verse 25). The story affirms that anyone we see in need is our neighbour.
As February gives way to March, the first month of meteorological spring, so the church calendar leads us into Lent. Shrove Tuesday (Pancake Day) is on March 4th, leading to Ash Wednesday on 5th. You will read elsewhere in this issue of our opportunity to show concern for our neighbours internationally during Lent in our support for Christian Aid and their partner organisations on the ground in such countries as South Sudan, Israel, the occupied Palestinian territories and Gaza. Their comprehensive website shows the breadth of their work and as Penny writes, we are very glad to have the Chair of Trustees of Christian Aid, the Bishop of London, Dame Sarah Mullally leading our service and preaching at St Andrew’s church at 10.30 a.m. on Sunday March 9th.
Love expressed in practical help is something that will be written about in various ways in the Beacon during 2025. In a world too often blighted by selfishness and personal aggrandisement surely it must be our Christian response to counter this by choosing generosity and support for others as the part we can play to make the world a better place.
So, do enjoy February and its progression into March as we rehearse the great commandment and demonstrate love for all – whether strangers through Christian Aid, sweethearts, hedgehogs or in other acts of random kindness!

Click here for the February-March edition of the Penhill Beacon.

Our church buildings are usually open:
Preston under Scar and Wensley -  Daily
Aysgarth -  daily 
Castle Bolton -  daily
Redmire - Daily
West Witton - daily 

Preparation Of A New Church Electoral Roll for 2025
Every six years each parish is required to compile a new electoral roll and 2025 is the year that a new one will be prepared.
The electoral roll is the list of a church's membership. All members are eligible to attend the Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM). Everyone (both current members and new), who wishes to be on the roll need to fill out an application form. To request a form or for further information please contact one of the Parish Electoral Roll Officers: Margaret Ferguson for Aysgarth;  Jayne Foster for  Bolton cum Redmire; Hilary Grisewood for Preston with Wensley;  and Cherie Miles for West Witton. Or contact Tom, Penny or Christine.

The Very Narrow Bridge of Life:
Stories Through the Church Year by Revd Peter Jenner
This is a book about finding joy in a world that sometimes seems difficult to navigate. Through a collection of engaging stories, which were originally delivered as sermons, Peter invites us to reflect on our own faith journey and encourages us to be ‘fully part of the adventure of life…appreciative of God’s creation, of human interaction and delighting in what is and ought to be.’ Peter died shortly after retiring, and during his final months the book was edited by Louise Redshaw who lives in Carperby. Profits from the sale of the book will be shared between St Andrew’s Church, Aysgarth,  and the Stuart Warren Foundation which supports a PhD student from the South African Region to study Chemistry at the University of Cambridge. Copies are available for £10 from: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Christian Aid
This charity will be supported by Penhill Benefice throughout Lent via the Christian Aid envelopes and the Lent Soup lunches (see below). Christian Aid exists to create a world where everyone can live a full life, free from poverty. You can find more about their work on page 8 of the February-March edition of the Penhill Beacon or at 

Or join us at our Benefice Service on Sunday March 9th at St. Andrew’s Church, Aysgarth at 10.30am when the Chair of the Board of Trustees for Christian Aid, The Rt Revd and Rt Hon Dame Sarah Mullally DBE, The Bishop of London, will be joining us to speak firsthand about the work of Christian Aid. 

Lent Lunches for Christian Aid
Soup & Cheese Lunch with Coffee and Tea
No fixed charge, donations to Christian Aid
12 noon until 1.30pm
Friday  March 7th - Redmire Village Hall
Friday March 14th – Thoralby Village Hall
Friday March 21st– West Witton Village Hall
Friday March 28th – Carperby Sports Pavilion

Benefice Food for Thought in Lent. 6.30 for 7.00 pm: West Burton Village Hall.
Tuesday 18th March: Speaker - Bishop John Pritchard. Book by Tues 11th March.
“Who am I now? - Identity and role in the different chapters of life”.
Menu - chicken casserole with herby dumplings (vegetarian option available).
Tuesday 1st April: Speakers – Revd Ian and Revd Dr Linda Robinson.
“Where are we headed? Finding hope in a time of crisis”. Book by 25th March.
Menu - Lasagne with salad and garlic bread (vegetarian option available).
Cost for each: £15 (to include main course, tea/coffee) Bring your own drinks.
Home-made desserts will be available on a donation basis, to be given to the
Charity chosen by the speaker. Book with Anthony Day: Tel: 01969 624171.
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Cheques payable to Bolton-cum-
Redmire PCC. Provision of home-made desserts will be gratefully received at
each of the evenings, please contact Anne Day (email as above).
For further information please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. /telephone 01969 663097/624542.

Evening Lent Reflections: Tuesdays 25th March and 8th April.
We will reflect on the subjects discussed at the previous week’s Food for Thought Evenings. Time 6.30pm at Aysgarth Institute. All welcome.

Men’s Breakfast: 8.30am-10am, Sat 15th March, Sycamore Hall Restaurant, Bainbridge. [Full cooked breakfast - £10.00]. All welcome.

Church Coffee Morning: 10.30am – noon, Wednesday March 5th, Redmire Village Hall.

Church Afternoon Tea: 2-4pm, Wednesday March 19th in Redmire Village Hall.

Wensleydale Filling Station
7pm at Thornborough Hall, Moor Road, Leyburn DL8 5AB
Friday March 14th - Speaker: Gerard Charles from Sheffield.
Contact: 07714 204024 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Prayer and Praise Live  - 7pm on fourth Sunday in the month at Chantry Hall, Bedale.
March 28th
April 25th
May 23rd
June 27th
Looking forward to praising God together!
For more information contact Linda Collingwood - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Easter Lilies
If you wish to buy a lily for £5 in memory of a loved one, please give your details to
Dayle Williams (01969 625094 West Witton)
or Liz Piper (01969 663747 Aysgarth)
by Thursday 10th April. The Churches will use the lilies to decorate their altars with masses of Easter Lilies, to commemorate the resurrection of Jesus Christ and the promise of life everlasting.

Prayer Fellowship   
The Prayer Fellowship meets on the 4th Tuesday of each month at 7.30 pm at Aysgarth Institute to pray together for the benefice, the wider church, local, national and international issues, and for personal concerns and each other. We begin with a Bible Reflection and short discussion.  

Aysgarth Gift Day
The total donated for St. Andrew’s Gift Weekend was £3,365. The PCC thanks all who contributed.

Christmas Services - Charities 
A total amount of £476.65 was collected for The Salvation Army from Thoralby, Thornton Rust and Aysgarth services.
Preston under Scar raised £200 for The Children’s Society.
Redmire Christmas Services raised £500 for St. George’s Crypt.
West Witton Carol Service raised £154.70 for The Children’s Society and £186 from the Crib Service for The Bungokho Rural Development Centre.
Thank you to everyone who donated to the charities.

 Castle Bolton Print For Sale

If you would like to buy a print of St. Oswald’s Church at Castle Bolton priced at £20 which are mounted and cellophane wrapped please contact the office (01969 663097) for further information.


Aysgarth church -

The following are now available online -

Aysgarth church - a guide

War Memorials and Graves at Aysgarth church 

The printed illustrated guide to War Memorials and Graves in the churchyard is available in Aysgarth church. 

Daily Hope offers music, prayers and reflections as well as full worship services from the Church of England at the end of a telephone line.
The line is available 24 hours a day on 0800 804 8044. Callers will hear a special greeting from the Archbishop before being able to choose from a range of options, including hymns, prayers, reflections and advice on COVID-19. Please let your family and friends, who are not on internet, know about this. More information click here 

Hear To Help
Just 'B' is offering emotional wellbeing support to people in the Harrogate District, Hambleton and Richmondshire, with its Hear to Help phoneline, available to anyone who may need  help with such issues as grief, low mood, isolation, anxiety or isolation. The line is manned by trained staff and volunteers and is available seven days a week, 8am-8pm. For more information see Hear to Help