Vicar’s Letter by Rev Tom Ringland
News that we were able to apply for a framed portrait of His Majesty the King in our churches put me in mind of the oath of allegiance that I was required to swear on my ordination on July 1st 1989, thirty five years ago.
I’ve since had to swear allegiance on four subsequent occasions as I moved to new posts. Since the Reformation, when Henry VIII was declared the supreme head of the Church of England, this has been the requirement at all Licensing services – (along with an oath of ‘canonical obedience’ to the Diocesan Bishop).
I was told that churches were meant to display a royal coat of arms, as a reminder of this oath, although I’ve since learned that the majority don’t.
I’ll leave it to you to discover which three church buildings in the Penhill benefice have one – two from the early 1700’s and one a hundred years younger.
Recently all MPs new and old have made a similar oath, (including one who had to return and repeat, as he’d omitted to add the words ‘his heirs and successors’, and was at risk of a fine and his seat being declared vacant!).
Allegiance is a strong word.
We ally ourselves to our liege. And it’s important to place ourselves under a measure of authority, so we are not maverick independents but members of a wider body – with a common identity and purpose, even as we bring our distinctive and unique character to a role.
But I wonder, if like me, you baulk at Henry VIII taking the title of supreme head?
St Paul in Colossians 1 speaks of the supremacy of Jesus Christ over all things, and says specifically he is head of the church – (Col 1.18).
So it is that since Elizabeth 1 restored the Act of Supremacy, (after Queen Mary had repealed it) the wording was toned down to the Supreme Governor – which has continued to this day.
So much for my musings in history. But it may lead us – as we receive these portraits – to reflect not just on our allegiance to ‘King and country’, but the place we give to Jesus Christ the Son of God.
In the film 'Chariots of Fire' you may recall Lord Cadogan saying to the ‘impertinent’ Eric Liddell, “In my day it was King first and God after” … but note the response of the Duke of Sutherland, who then said, 'Yes, and the War to End all Wars bitterly proved your point'.
When we pray, ‘thy kingdom come, thy will be done…’ what really are we saying?
His kingdom is supremely a kingdom where love rules. Love that is compassionate, generous, expansive, persistent and sacrificial.
Larger and more prominent – and in our stained glass – are larger representations of the one who is King of Kings. Often, we see him in the act of ultimate sacrifice – crucified in the act that redeems us. Showing us the depth and breadth of the love of God.
We receive the new portraits with thanks – and continue to pray that both monarch and people daily recommit to the Law of Love, the command of the Supreme Head of all creation.
Click here for the August to September edition of Penhill Beacon
Our church buildings are usually open:
Preston under Scar and Wensley - Daily
Aysgarth - daily
Castle Bolton - daily
Redmire - Daily
West Witton - daily
Church Afternoon Tea: 2pm-4pm, Wednesday 18th September in Redmire Village Hall
Prayer Fellowship
The Prayer Fellowship usually meets on the 4th Tuesday of each month at 7.30 pm to pray together for the Benefice, the wider church, local, national and international issues, and for personal concerns and each other. We begin with a Bible Reflection and short discussion. The next meeting is on 24th September.
Church Coffee Club: 10.30am-12noon, Wednesday 4th September, in Redmire Village Hall.
Wensleydale Filling Station
7pm, Friday 13th September at Thornborough Hall, Moor Road, Leyburn DL8 5AB
Speaker: Sebastian Rab, The Jonas Centre, Wensleydale
For this year's programme for the Filling Station see:
Contact: 07714 204024
Prayer and Praise at Bedale - click here for details of the monthly contemporary services at the Chantry Hall in Bedale.
Hunton Steam Gathering: Saturday 7 th and Sunday 8th September
With the Church About the Dale Trailer including an Open Air Church Service on the Sunday morning. All welcome.
Has Wensleydale Got Talent: 6.30pm on Saturday 12th October at Holy Trinity Church, Wensley. This event
is to help raise money for cushions on pews in the church.
The Art, Craft and Coffee Day raised £900 for Mary's Meals through the efforts of Preston under Scar, Wensley, our benefice, and St Peter and Paul's parish at Leyburn. Many thanks to all who helped, sold, bought and ate cake!
Christian Aid
There will be a separate plate in churches for donations to Christian Aid's appeal for aid for the civilian population of Gaza. Christian Aid have partners on the ground in Gaza and are exploring possibilities of supporting Israeli civilians also.
Castle Bolton Print For Sale
If you would like to buy a print of St. Oswald’s Church at Castle Bolton priced at £20 which are mounted and cellophane wrapped please contact the office (01969 663097) for further information.
War Memorial at Aysgarth church: The refurbished War Memorial at Aysgarth church was dedicated on November 11. Click here for an illustrated report.
Supporting biodiversity: St. Mary’s Church, Redmire has recently undertaken the Roche ECO Survey with a view to improving the biodiversity of the Churchyard. As part of the action plan we are seeking sponsorship of bird boxes, wild flower seeds, particularly butterfly habitat plants, and bird feeding stations.
Should anyone be interested in supporting this initiative please contact Denise Houghton, tel. 622625 or 07800658083. Email:
Aysgarth church -
The following are now available online -
War Memorials and Graves at Aysgarth church
The printed illustrated guide to War Memorials and Graves in the churchyard is available in Aysgarth church.
Daily Hope offers music, prayers and reflections as well as full worship services from the Church of England at the end of a telephone line.
The line is available 24 hours a day on 0800 804 8044. Callers will hear a special greeting from the Archbishop before being able to choose from a range of options, including hymns, prayers, reflections and advice on COVID-19. Please let your family and friends, who are not on internet, know about this. More information click here
Hear To Help
Just 'B' is offering emotional wellbeing support to people in the Harrogate District, Hambleton and Richmondshire, with its Hear to Help phoneline, available to anyone who may need help with such issues as grief, low mood, isolation, anxiety or isolation. The line is manned by trained staff and volunteers and is available seven days a week, 8am-8pm. For more information see Hear to Help.